Tracking your expenses on vacation is essential if you don’t want to overspend and end up with a huge credit card bill to pay off once you get home. There are a number of ways to keep track. The easiest is a notebook and pencil. …
The Best Ways to Take Money Abroad
When traveling overseas, there are a number of considerations to keep in mind when it comes to how much money to take, and in what form. ATMs are much more common than they used to be, but there are still many parts of the world …
Online Help for Your Vacation Budget
If you are planning a vacation, the first thing you need to do is set a budget, especially if you have a large family or money is generally tight in your household. 1. Spreadsheets and Templates The basics of vacation budgeting can be calculated …
Nine Ways to Save Money on Food and Drink
One of the most expensive aspects of being on vacation can be the food and drink. However, there are quite a few ways you can save money. 1. Know before you go When planning your trip, research the area you will be staying in. Check …
Hidden Extras and How to Avoid Them
It is important to budget carefully for your travel, but it can be tough when there are so many hidden fees imposed on travelers these days. Here are some important ones to avoid. 1. Booking Your Flight Reservations can cost if you try to book …
Five Vacation Spots That Are Worth the Money
There are a lot of choices of destination when you are going on vacation. The main questions are how big is your budget, what sorts of things do you and your family love doing, and are you traveling domestically or internationally. Ask any traveler and …
Avoid These Pitfalls When Buying Your Souvenirs
Most people love to get a souvenir of their trip and also usually bring back a gift or two for family and friends. However, this can really bite into your budget if you are not careful. The best thing to do is to avoid these …
Are All-Inclusive Holidays Worth It?
Many people wonder if all-inclusive holidays are really worth the money. The answer is that it depends. You will need to do some research and know what things cost in order to determine if you are better off all-inclusive, or “a la carte”. You will …
17 Ways to Save Money on Transportation When You Are on Vacation
There are a number of ways to save on transport when you are on vacation. Plane Travel 1. Save money on tickets You can save a lot of money on airline tickets if you’re flexible with your travel dates. A day or two earlier or …
14 Ways to Save Money on Your Accommodation
Accommodation can be one of the most expensive parts of your vacation if you are not careful. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to keep the budget down. 1. Look for a package deal Once you have created your travel budget, you should have …